Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Christ gave us The Great Commission or the great command to GO! By supporting those directly in the mission field. we help others go to areas we cannot. The missionaries supported by The Cross are counted as our family. As they serve in some the most challenging places on earth, we keep them covered in earnest prayer and provide monthly financial support for both their ministries and their personal needs. Know that as you faithfully support the Cross with your generous donations, tithes and offerings, you are supporting missionaries in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia. An increase in generosity will allow us to expand our support to missionaries serving in Central /South America & India.

Active Missionaries
Pastor Well Well
Almaz Teka, Getachew Debela and Ev Husane Belka
Pastor of Beth Ammi Church, Democratic Republic of Congo. The DRC is the poorest country on earth. It is our honor to support Pastor Well Well and his courageous work to diligently spread the Gospel Of Jesus Christ to those in most desperate circumstances.
Almaz has dedicated her life as a missionary to the South Wello region of Ethiopia; Getachew to the Oromeya Region, and Ev to the South region of Ethiopia. These areas are 89%, 50% and 96% Muslim repsectively. We are humbled to support their life commitments to be a light to those in darkness, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ in the face of persecution.
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our 2022 mission trip to Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo & Ethiopia
CrossingPoint International is targeting 2022 as the year we return to Africa! We look forward to ministering alongside our brothers & sisters in Christ as we provide training to pastors & ministers, strategize long-term partnerships to meet essential needs and preach the Gospel. Get your passports in order and all vaccinations up to date as we prepare to GO!